Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22, 2009

Today I showed Ava a picture of Gaffer, when he was young and had lots of curly hair coming out from under his ball cap. The picture was of Gaffer fly-fishing, circa 1996, and she said she recognized his face - but then she said that she likes the way he looks now better!

She decided she wanted to have a grizzly bear today, so we went to the toy store in Freeport and got the Mother and Baby Grizzly. Then Gaffer waited in the truck while Ava and I did some quick Christmas shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch - she played with her grizzlies while I shopped. Later we went to lunch at Gritty's, and she had fun coloring the menu, but pooped out without eating anything. She's still running a low-grade fever, but is cheerful and talkative. She pays attention to everything we say, and often has a very insightful comment on the topic.

She was proud of herself this morning - fed the dogs herself (scooped out the right amount of food for each dog) and made Heidi "SIT" while she put the food in her bowl. Then she said, "GO" and Heidi jumped up and ran for her bowl. Ava was a good dog trainer today!

She helped me make the bed - I did Gaffer's side and she did my side - pulled the sheet, wool blanket, and comforter to the right place - a big help as I didn't have to go over to that side of the bed!

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